Education For Ecuador
Education for Ecuador is a nonprofit composed of a small group of Ecuadorians and Foreign Nationals committed to assisting underfunded schools in rural Ecuadorian villages in the Cotacachi area. The goal is to be in partnership with local teachers and administrators to identify and remove roadblocks to education.
Our two current projects are:
San Pedro Carpentry School
In partnership with the Principal and teachers of Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Nazacota Puento in the rural community of San Pedro, in the mountains near Cotacachi, they are helping to establish a project to teach students basic carpentry skills. The leaders of the school and the community have a long-range vision for developing a technical school which would provide students with the opportunity to learn trade skills useful to them after graduation. San Pedro already owns the machinery and hand tools necessary for a woodworking class, and these classes will provide students with a valuable skill, especially for the majority of their students who will likely not have the chance to attend University.
Blind Student Project
Cotacachi has a number of blind or severely sight impaired children who need special assistance that will enable them to go to school and develop essential life skills. Education for Ecuador has contracted with a blind tutor to work with these students one day a week, teaching them braille, computer use, and other life skills to help them become independent.
Education for Ecuador will keep close to the community, look for opportunities to facilitate education in the villages around Cotacachi, so additional projects can be developed in the future.
You can donate to Education for Ecuador on-line through this link: